
Dear Senator Kaine

I contacted my senator, Tim Kaine about his decision to boycott Prime Minister Netanyahu’s speech to Congress.  His reply to me was that the speech broke protocol.  I decided to write him back.

18 March 2015

Dear Senator Kaine,

Thank you for your reply to my email. However, let us be honest. Your failure to hear or meet with Prime Minister Netanyahu had nothing to do with protocol. You showed you are a political hack of the Obama administration and a coward. You care nothing about Israel, or the safety of American citizens and you do not have a problem with an unstable, dictatorial regime obtaining nuclear weapons.

The Prime Minister was concerned about Iran’s plans for Israel, but also about Iran’s plans for the U.S., not his election. Netanyahu has much more to lose at home than gain here. As Iran develops missiles that can carry nuclear warheads to Europe and the U.S., only an idiot would assume Iran would not use its nuclear might to bring the U.S. to its knees. This administration’s current negotiations are only to appease Iran. Until the Prime Minister’s speech brought attention to Iran’s plans, the administration was hoping to shove an agreement down our throats without any discussion with Congress. The thought that Iran could be removed from the terror watch list should make your politically correct stomach turn. Yet, I only hear silence from you. The administration feels (and as an Obama groupie, you must agree) a bad agreement with Iran is better than no agreement at all. Our President is determined to walk in Neville Chamberlain’s shoes. And you are willing to tie and polish them. We know “Peace in our time,” brought neither peace nor time.

We have no business talking to Iran. Iran executes gays, anyone accused of adultery, blasphemy, Christians and Jews. Women, religious and ethnic minorities are second-class citizens. In Iran, Sharia law would have dictated a three-times married man of questionable moral character be executed or imprisoned. In other words, with Iran at the helm, there would be no “Senator” Kaine.

I will tell you what is against protocol. This administration interfered in the election of a leader of a country that is our closest ally. The administration you support did everything in its power to keep the Prime Minister from being re-elected. The president broke protocol by not calling the Prime Minister to congratulate him. His stooge, John Kerry was given that task. I am surprised he didn’t delegate it to the D.C. dogcatcher. Since protocol is so dear to you, I should have heard your voice telling us that this was wrong. Where was your outrage?

You need to think about your political ambitions and legacy. So far you have demonstrated you have no problem with the destruction of Israel. You made it clear you do not care much about the U.S. or its citizens.  You will support whatever dumb-assed agreement the administration delivers. You may have a bunker under the Capitol to retreat to, but we do not. Your decision will come back to haunt you.


Diana E. Rubin
